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ATS Summer Proms 3k

Athletics Trust Scotland is delighted to launch the Summer Proms 3k Series that will take place at Aberdeen Beach Promenade on the first Wednesday of every month at 7.00pm.

Men’s 10k

The life expectancy of a man in Scotland is, shockingly, still the lowest in the UK. Suicide, in addition to other mental health problems, continues to be an issue of high significance to men in Scotland. For ATS this is a key area on as part of our Transforming Lives Project to improve peoples mental health through running.

Scottish Half Marathon

The route is seriously flat & rapid – if you want to set a personal best for a half marathon, then this is the event for you.

Edinburgh Marathon Festival

Described as ‘fast and flat’, and the ‘2nd largest marathon in the UK, behind only London’, the Edinburgh Marathon returns in 2022 and promises to deliver an incredible experience.